Many of the basic building blocks of exceptional acoustic design in classrooms have not changed since the 1960’s. But recent advances in building science, classroom configuration, and materials are changing the way architects and builders approach sound in the classroom. It used to be thought that you had to use heavy masonry construction to create...Read More
If there’s one type of classroom where acoustic design should be a top priority, it’s undeniably the music classroom. Bringing an acoustic consultant on board at the beginning of the project allows the architect to receive valuable insight early on in the process. A well-designed space for student musicians begins with determining what the room...Read More
With the grand opening of the Ent Center, the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs is giving the community a first-class performing arts facility for performing, teaching and learning. Students and teachers are the primary users and they have unique needs when it comes to learning how to play and perform. The ability to hear...Read More