Acoustic Design in K-12 Music Classrooms

  |  May 14, 2018

If there’s one type of classroom where acoustic design should be a top priority, it’s undeniably the music classroom. Bringing an acoustic consultant on board at the beginning of the project allows the architect to receive valuable insight early on in the process. A well-designed space for student musicians begins with determining what the room... Read More

Off the Wall: Controlling Sound Reflection

  |  August 23, 2017

Every facility has a unique set of audio and video challenges. Some are simple, others more complex. Venues with tall, reflective wall surfaces can fall into the latter category. Put that venue outside, surround it with features such as terrain, buildings, and flora and facility operators lose a lot of control over how their programming... Read More

Acoustic Classroom Design: Large Lecture Halls

  |  May 1, 2017

The shape and layout requirements of a lecture hall are dictated by the acoustic and audio visual requirements. Getting acoustic and audio/video designers involved early in the design process is highly recommended. For example, concave curved surfaces are problematic because they improperly focus and unevenly distribute sound. Designing Interactive Spaces Though fixed-seating tiered lecture halls... Read More