Room Design Considerations for Optimal Podcasting
Catherine Halstead, Marketing Communications Manager | December 14, 2022

In today’s world of media consumers with a voracious appetite for fresh content, there is a never-ending stream of podcasts to keep up with the demand. With another option always available, it is crucial that a podcast’s production quality meets acceptable standards. Thoughtful design of the acoustics within a recording space can make or break a podcast’s success, when even the untrained ear can hear the difference between poor, acceptable, and optimal acoustical quality.
Interested in picking up a new hobby over the holidays, or perfecting your existing recording space? Don’t let your podcast become unlistenable. Consider the lay language paper titled Room Design Considerations for Optimal Podcasting, written by our very own Madeline Didier, Senior Acoustical Consultant at Jaffe Holden, and published by the Acoustical Society of America. Click the above link to read the paper in full, complete with photos, floor plans, and audio samples to help illustrate the various concepts presented by Madeline.